Opiniones Hannah Travel Peru (Agencia de Viajes)

2 Opiniones

Agencias de Viajes


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Todo lo que buscabas sobre Hannah Travel Peru que está en Arequipa en el departamento de Perú llamado Arequipa.

Puedes mirar detenidamente las opiniones y reviews de 2 individuos que han experimentado sus productos y servicios.

La valoración de Hannah Travel Peru es de 3 sobre 5 (basado en 2 evaluaciones totales).

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Empresa dado de alta en la categoría Agencia de Viajes.

¿Dónde está Hannah Travel Peru?

Calle Consuelo 114 - A, Arequipa 04001, Perú

El plus code de este negocio es: 57MCHFX7+77

En el GPS puedes poner las coordenadas de este negocio, que son:

  • Latitud: -16.401807

  • Longitud: -71.536862

Opiniones y reviewss | Mapa proporcionado por EmpresasDePeru.net

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Listado de opiniones y evaluaciones

Opiniones de Hannah Travel Peru en Arequipa más recientes

Evelin Eve
Evelin Eve

El servicio brindando por su Hotel Terramistica vallecito fue un pésimo servicio , querían que esperemos hasta las 12 del Día un cuarto, a pesar que les avisamos que llegaríamos a las 6.30 am. Luego nos dieron un cuarto en la azotea donde otros huéspedes estaban tomando bebidas alcohólicas con música a todo volumen. La habitación entregada sucia con camas sin tender , habitación usada , sin ninguna toalla , baños muy estrechos e incómodos , no hubo agua caliente durante todas las noches de estadía y sin papel higiénico ni jabón . La peor experiencia - en resumen las habitaciones estaban totalmente sucias. Nada recomendable.


? Excelente

Ingrid Olivares
Ingrid Olivares

Excelente servicio, sólo q demoran un poquito en contestar.

Evelin Eve
Evelin Eve

El servicio brindando por su Hotel Terramistica vallecito fue un pésimo servicio , querían que esperemos hasta las 12 del Día un cuarto, a pesar que les avisamos que llegaríamos a las 6.30 am. Luego nos dieron un cuarto en la azotea donde otros huéspedes estaban tomando bebidas alcohólicas con música a todo volumen. La habitación entregada sucia con camas sin tender , habitación usada , sin ninguna toalla , baños muy estrechos e incómodos , no hubo agua caliente durante todas las noches de estadía y sin papel higiénico ni jabón . La peor experiencia - en resumen las habitaciones estaban totalmente sucias. Nada recomendable.


? Excelente

Valoración media: 3 | Total de opiniones: 2

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Otros Agencias de Viajes en Arequipa

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Ventura Travel Arequipa

Agencia de Viajes

We did the 3 day / 2 night tour of the colca canyon. They pick you up at 7:30 which is a massive improvement on all of the tour operators who pick you up at 3 or 4am. You get to stop off on the way to take photos of llamas, alpacas and vicuña and some spectacular views. In exchange for this later start you start the walk down into the canyon in the afternoon which means much cooler conditions as the sun is starting to pass over. We arrived at the first hostel to find people on the earlier tour had been hanging around for 6 hours. The second day is tough. You start with a hike to a beautiful oasis, we got there before mid day and had a good 3 hours to swim, sunbathe and get lunch before starting the long hike out of the canyon. Here is the second difference with the regular tour. You spend the second night outside the canyon as apposed to spending it in the oasis. The other tours start the climb at 4 in the morning to make sure they are out before the sun is too hot. our last day started at 8am to watch the condors at and then on to the hot springs at Chivay. Apart from the secondary being pretty tough in terms of hiking this is a much better itinerary than the regular tour and I really recommend it. Our tour guide Mellissa was fantastic and really helped us through the hike. She was super helpful, knowledgable and kind. The group sizes are small and you get loads of flexibility with timings and itinerary.

Por Jack Sutcliffe

Travel Agency Mochilas VIP

Agencia de Viajes

Great reception.

Por Felipe Gusta

Agencia de viajes Sudamerica Tour

Agencia de Viajes

Great reception.

Por Felipe Gusta

Kanuwa Rafting

Agencia de Viajes

We had a spare day before going on the colca canyon trek so we decided to try the rafting. We were blown away by how affordable and exciting this tour was. The whole tour will be over in 3 hrs, so you will be back in the city before even realising you know it. Very exhilarating!!

Por Norris Ton

Mundo Andino Travel Agencia de Viajes y Turismo

Agencia de Viajes

Great to buy bus/plane tickets, and Colca canyon pool and private tours.

Por Jorge A. Echeandia Canales

Dianshalon Tours S.A.C.

Agencia de Viajes

Pesima atención por parte de la que me atendió

Por joaquin villena

Ventura Travel Arequipa

Agencia de Viajes

We did the 3 day / 2 night tour of the colca canyon. They pick you up at 7:30 which is a massive improvement on all of the tour operators who pick you up at 3 or 4am. You get to stop off on the way to take photos of llamas, alpacas and vicuña and some spectacular views. In exchange for this later start you start the walk down into the canyon in the afternoon which means much cooler conditions as the sun is starting to pass over. We arrived at the first hostel to find people on the earlier tour had been hanging around for 6 hours. The second day is tough. You start with a hike to a beautiful oasis, we got there before mid day and had a good 3 hours to swim, sunbathe and get lunch before starting the long hike out of the canyon. Here is the second difference with the regular tour. You spend the second night outside the canyon as apposed to spending it in the oasis. The other tours start the climb at 4 in the morning to make sure they are out before the sun is too hot. our last day started at 8am to watch the condors at and then on to the hot springs at Chivay. Apart from the secondary being pretty tough in terms of hiking this is a much better itinerary than the regular tour and I really recommend it. Our tour guide Mellissa was fantastic and really helped us through the hike. She was super helpful, knowledgable and kind. The group sizes are small and you get loads of flexibility with timings and itinerary.

Por Jack Sutcliffe

Travel Agency Mochilas VIP

Agencia de Viajes

Great reception.

Por Felipe Gusta

Agencia de viajes Sudamerica Tour

Agencia de Viajes

Great reception.

Por Felipe Gusta

Kanuwa Rafting

Agencia de Viajes

We had a spare day before going on the colca canyon trek so we decided to try the rafting. We were blown away by how affordable and exciting this tour was. The whole tour will be over in 3 hrs, so you will be back in the city before even realising you know it. Very exhilarating!!

Por Norris Ton

Mundo Andino Travel Agencia de Viajes y Turismo

Agencia de Viajes

Great to buy bus/plane tickets, and Colca canyon pool and private tours.

Por Jorge A. Echeandia Canales

Dianshalon Tours S.A.C.

Agencia de Viajes

Pesima atención por parte de la que me atendió

Por joaquin villena

Ventura Travel Arequipa

Agencia de Viajes

We did the 3 day / 2 night tour of the colca canyon. They pick you up at 7:30 which is a massive improvement on all of the tour operators who pick you up at 3 or 4am. You get to stop off on the way to take photos of llamas, alpacas and vicuña and some spectacular views. In exchange for this later start you start the walk down into the canyon in the afternoon which means much cooler conditions as the sun is starting to pass over. We arrived at the first hostel to find people on the earlier tour had been hanging around for 6 hours. The second day is tough. You start with a hike to a beautiful oasis, we got there before mid day and had a good 3 hours to swim, sunbathe and get lunch before starting the long hike out of the canyon. Here is the second difference with the regular tour. You spend the second night outside the canyon as apposed to spending it in the oasis. The other tours start the climb at 4 in the morning to make sure they are out before the sun is too hot. our last day started at 8am to watch the condors at and then on to the hot springs at Chivay. Apart from the secondary being pretty tough in terms of hiking this is a much better itinerary than the regular tour and I really recommend it. Our tour guide Mellissa was fantastic and really helped us through the hike. She was super helpful, knowledgable and kind. The group sizes are small and you get loads of flexibility with timings and itinerary.

Por Jack Sutcliffe

Travel Agency Mochilas VIP

Agencia de Viajes

Great reception.

Por Felipe Gusta