Opiniones Casino Mardigras (Casino)

86 Opiniones



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A continuación, toda la información de Casino Mardigras localizada en Miraflores en Lima (Perú).

Puedes contrastar las opiniones y evaluaciones de 86 personas que han experimentado sus productos y servicios.

La valoración de Casino Mardigras es de 4 sobre 5 (basado en 86 evaluaciones en total).

Te sugerimos que antes de decidir comprar sus servicios, analices lo que dicen otros usuarios sobre Casino Mardigras, para no tener experiencias negativas con ellos.

Negocio dado de alta bajo la categoría Casinos.

¿Dónde está Casino Mardigras?

Av Jose Larco 734, Miraflores 15074, Perú

El plus code de este negocio es: 57V4VXGC+25

En el GPS puedes poner las coordenadas de este negocio, que son:

  • Latitud: -12.1249946

  • Longitud: -77.0296177

Opiniones y reviewss | Mapa proporcionado por EmpresasDePeru.net

Fotografías de Casino Mardigras

Listado de opiniones y evaluaciones

Opiniones de Casino Mardigras en Miraflores más recientes

Paul Padilla
Paul Padilla

Tienen menú para el almuerzo a s/18. Variado, muy rico (mis felicitaciones al chef) y muy buena atención.

aldo eliot abad ovalle
aldo eliot abad ovalle

Hermoso casino. Buena atención.

Marco Ruiz de Somocurcio
Marco Ruiz de Somocurcio

Venden además comida tipo menú! Bueno para ver deportes

Claudio Contreras
Claudio Contreras

Muy agradable y muy buena música:

Rosa Cuya
Rosa Cuya

Solamente me gustó el show le falta atención al cliente me retiré y me metí al Atlantis.

Valoración media: 4 | Total de opiniones: 86

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¿Quieres comparar?

Sala de juegos Ebony


La pasé muy entretenido y muy bien atendido por el personal del casino EBONY.

Por Fernando Carrillo

Atlantic City


For all the blackjack players out there: For Miraflores, this is as good as it gets - nowhere on the same level as a Vegas Strip casino, but still a good time if you?re looking to do some gambling while in Peru. Casino has several tables split into two separate areas. One area has a handful of tables (blackjack and roulette) for USD ($) only, and table minimums are either $3 or $5. A separate area has several tables for Soles (S/), and the minimums are generally S/10. Tables are open from 6pm to 6am, and the number they have open fluctuates during the night based on demand and ?peak? hours. The tables generally had a good number of players, especially in the area for Soles, but if it ever got too crowded they would open up more tables as needed. The VIP room upstairs has a blackjack table with higher limits, and is USD only. I never played up there but I think the minimum was $25. Dealers and supervisors/pit bosses are friendly, even to foreigners. Just be respectful and patient and you won?t have any issues. Overall I had a positive playing experience here and recommend this casino to any blackjack players out there.

Por Ben Vittori

Luckia Casino


Que debo cambiar de casino porque los administradores tienen preferencia por personas y les permiten tener tres máquinas privandonos de jugar

Por Carmela Chumbiray

Salón de Juegos Merlin


Un lugar increíble y la atención 100% buena

Por brayan caceres

Pharaoh´s Casino


Es divertido buena atencion

Por Rocio Esteves

Silver Moon Slots


Excelente casino

Por Ruby Music

Sala de juegos Ebony


La pasé muy entretenido y muy bien atendido por el personal del casino EBONY.

Por Fernando Carrillo

Atlantic City


For all the blackjack players out there: For Miraflores, this is as good as it gets - nowhere on the same level as a Vegas Strip casino, but still a good time if you?re looking to do some gambling while in Peru. Casino has several tables split into two separate areas. One area has a handful of tables (blackjack and roulette) for USD ($) only, and table minimums are either $3 or $5. A separate area has several tables for Soles (S/), and the minimums are generally S/10. Tables are open from 6pm to 6am, and the number they have open fluctuates during the night based on demand and ?peak? hours. The tables generally had a good number of players, especially in the area for Soles, but if it ever got too crowded they would open up more tables as needed. The VIP room upstairs has a blackjack table with higher limits, and is USD only. I never played up there but I think the minimum was $25. Dealers and supervisors/pit bosses are friendly, even to foreigners. Just be respectful and patient and you won?t have any issues. Overall I had a positive playing experience here and recommend this casino to any blackjack players out there.

Por Ben Vittori

Luckia Casino


Que debo cambiar de casino porque los administradores tienen preferencia por personas y les permiten tener tres máquinas privandonos de jugar

Por Carmela Chumbiray

Salón de Juegos Merlin


Un lugar increíble y la atención 100% buena

Por brayan caceres

Pharaoh´s Casino


Es divertido buena atencion

Por Rocio Esteves

Silver Moon Slots


Excelente casino

Por Ruby Music

Sala de juegos Ebony


La pasé muy entretenido y muy bien atendido por el personal del casino EBONY.

Por Fernando Carrillo

Atlantic City


For all the blackjack players out there: For Miraflores, this is as good as it gets - nowhere on the same level as a Vegas Strip casino, but still a good time if you?re looking to do some gambling while in Peru. Casino has several tables split into two separate areas. One area has a handful of tables (blackjack and roulette) for USD ($) only, and table minimums are either $3 or $5. A separate area has several tables for Soles (S/), and the minimums are generally S/10. Tables are open from 6pm to 6am, and the number they have open fluctuates during the night based on demand and ?peak? hours. The tables generally had a good number of players, especially in the area for Soles, but if it ever got too crowded they would open up more tables as needed. The VIP room upstairs has a blackjack table with higher limits, and is USD only. I never played up there but I think the minimum was $25. Dealers and supervisors/pit bosses are friendly, even to foreigners. Just be respectful and patient and you won?t have any issues. Overall I had a positive playing experience here and recommend this casino to any blackjack players out there.

Por Ben Vittori