Opiniones Maroti Shobo (Artículos de Hogar)

4 Opiniones

Artículos de Hogar


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Aquí tienes a Maroti Shobo que está en Pucallpa en Ucayali.

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La valoración de Maroti Shobo es de 4 sobre 5 (basado en 4 evaluaciones totales).

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Empresa dado de alta en la categoría Artículos de Hogar.

¿Dónde está Maroti Shobo?

Puerto Callao, Pucallpa 25004, Perú

El plus code de este negocio es: 6737JCWF+6R

En el GPS puedes poner las coordenadas de este negocio, que son:

  • Latitud: -8.3543938

  • Longitud: -74.5754506

Opiniones y reviewss | Mapa proporcionado por EmpresasDePeru.net

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Listado de opiniones y evaluaciones

Opiniones de Maroti Shobo en Pucallpa más recientes

Marlly Rojas Rios
Marlly Rojas Rios

Un excelente lugar para comprar artesanias a nuestras hermanas Shipibas. Asociación de madres artistas Shipibas organizadas. Felicidades!

Graciela Victoria Samame Lucero
Graciela Victoria Samame Lucero

Es un lugar donde encontraras tejidos aetesania de shipibos. Precios ocsilan entre los 20 40 50 soles

Davis Broach
Davis Broach

It pains me to do this, but I cannot recommend shopping here. My intention was to do my shopping here as a mutual value exchange to support the Shipibo women who run it, rather than the male-owned shops in the center. I live in India, so I understand the principles of bargaining, but the prices they started with were at least twice the price I have been charged in multiple other places traveling around the Loreto and Ucayali regions for the last two months. Examples: A braided bracelet was 10 soles verses the 4 I paid in town, a rapé blowpipe of the same wood was 50 soles instead of 15 (in town one with a semi-precious stone is 25 and with additional quartz and other adornments 20-30) and a simple textile was 200 as opposed to 120. Im ok bargaining, but not when the starting price is insulting and there is no middle to meet. Seemed and felt to me an abusive misuse of my intention to support female entrepreneurs. You can find and support such women in the center of Pucallpa and in village Isla San Francisco and other villages around, but not here. Sorry.

Mick Huerta
Mick Huerta

This coop space features the best artisans and their work. Great place to buy directly from the artisan, have a chat and meet their children!

Davis Broach
Davis Broach

It pains me to do this, but I cannot recommend shopping here. My intention was to do my shopping here as a mutual value exchange to support the Shipibo women who run it, rather than the male-owned shops in the center. I live in India, so I understand the principles of bargaining, but the prices they started with were at least twice the price I have been charged in multiple other places traveling around the Loreto and Ucayali regions for the last two months. Examples: A braided bracelet was 10 soles verses the 4 I paid in town, a rapé blowpipe of the same wood was 50 soles instead of 15 (in town one with a semi-precious stone is 25 and with additional quartz and other adornments 20-30) and a simple textile was 200 as opposed to 120. Im ok bargaining, but not when the starting price is insulting and there is no middle to meet. Seemed and felt to me an abusive misuse of my intention to support female entrepreneurs. You can find and support such women in the center of Pucallpa and in village Isla San Francisco and other villages around, but not here. Sorry.

Marlly Rojas Rios
Marlly Rojas Rios

Un excelente lugar para comprar artesanias a nuestras hermanas Shipibas. Asociación de madres artistas Shipibas organizadas. Felicidades!

Valoración media: 4 | Total de opiniones: 4

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