Opiniones lavanderia inka wash (Lavandería)

2 Opiniones



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Todo lo que buscabas sobre lavanderia inka wash ubicada en Urubamba en el departamento de Cuzco.

Puedes revisar las opiniones y reviews de 2 usuarios que han experimentado sus productos.

La valoración de lavanderia inka wash es de 5 sobre 5 basado en 2 reviews totales.

Te proponemos que antes de decidir comprar sus servicios, leas con detalle lo que opinan otros usuarios sobre lavanderia inka wash, para asegurarte de gastar el dinero adecuadamente.

Empresa inscrito en la categoría Lavanderías.

¿Dónde está lavanderia inka wash?

Av. Mariscal Castilla S/N, Urubamba 08661, Perú

El plus code de este negocio es: 57R9MVRP+85

En el GPS puedes poner las coordenadas de este negocio, que son:

  • Latitud: -13.3091424

  • Longitud: -72.114604

Opiniones y reviewss | Mapa proporcionado por EmpresasDePeru.net

Fotografías de lavanderia inka wash

Listado de opiniones y evaluaciones

Opiniones de lavanderia inka wash en Urubamba más recientes

kirun treinen
kirun treinen

They were super helpful with picking up and dropping off my laundry. They were very affordable, timely and much cheaper than the hotel aundry services.

Jonh Frank Taipe
Jonh Frank Taipe

Valoración media: 5 | Total de opiniones: 2

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Otros Lavanderías en Cuzco

¿Quieres comparar?

Lavamatic - Santa Monica


Buen Servicio!

Por Ivan Vera

Lavamatic Perú


excelente servicio

Por Roel Jhonatan



We took laundry here. Cheap 2.50 sols a kilo but when we picked up the clothes they were dirtier than before. Many clothes had some stain like they threw some cream cake on it or something. I had to handwash all my clothes in the hotel.

Por Anett G



Professional operation. We had a large bag of very dirty clothing from the Machu Picchu trek cleaned here. When you drop off the dirty laundry they weigh it on a digital scale and write the price on a receipt that you take with you. Pickup was quick and our clean clothing was neatly wrapped in cellophane. Would use again.

Por Chris Sandvig

Lavanderia inka


Dropped our laundry off at 9 and it was ready at 5:30. They did a good job and it was neatly folded and wrapped in plastic. Very reasonably priced especially compared to the hotel laundry cost. The place was busy with many locals so I expect that is a good sign. They also do dry cleaning.

Por Cindy Fowler

Lavanderia Econoclean


Deberían atender de corrido hoy lo cerrado

Por Braulio Arturo Macedo Malpartida

Lavamatic - Santa Monica


Buen Servicio!

Por Ivan Vera

Lavamatic Perú


excelente servicio

Por Roel Jhonatan



We took laundry here. Cheap 2.50 sols a kilo but when we picked up the clothes they were dirtier than before. Many clothes had some stain like they threw some cream cake on it or something. I had to handwash all my clothes in the hotel.

Por Anett G



Professional operation. We had a large bag of very dirty clothing from the Machu Picchu trek cleaned here. When you drop off the dirty laundry they weigh it on a digital scale and write the price on a receipt that you take with you. Pickup was quick and our clean clothing was neatly wrapped in cellophane. Would use again.

Por Chris Sandvig

Lavanderia inka


Dropped our laundry off at 9 and it was ready at 5:30. They did a good job and it was neatly folded and wrapped in plastic. Very reasonably priced especially compared to the hotel laundry cost. The place was busy with many locals so I expect that is a good sign. They also do dry cleaning.

Por Cindy Fowler

Lavanderia Econoclean


Deberían atender de corrido hoy lo cerrado

Por Braulio Arturo Macedo Malpartida

Lavamatic - Santa Monica


Buen Servicio!

Por Ivan Vera

Lavamatic Perú


excelente servicio

Por Roel Jhonatan