Opiniones La Bodega del Monje BAR & GRILL (Night club)

205 Opiniones

Night clubs


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Te presentamos a La Bodega del Monje BAR & GRILL ubicada en Barranco en Lima.

Puedes contrastar las opiniones y evaluaciones de 205 individuos que han usado sus servicios.

La valoración de La Bodega del Monje BAR & GRILL es de 4 sobre 5 basado en 205 reviews .

Te sugerimos que antes de decidir comprar sus servicios, leas con detalle lo que opinan otros usuarios sobre La Bodega del Monje BAR & GRILL, para asegurarte de hacer una buena compra.

Negocio inscrito en la categoría Night club.

¿Dónde está La Bodega del Monje BAR & GRILL?

Sanchez Carrion 116, Barranco 15063, Perú

El plus code de este negocio es: 57V4VX2H+JV

En el GPS puedes poner las coordenadas de este negocio, que son:

  • Latitud: -12.1484437

  • Longitud: -77.0203091

Opiniones y reviewss | Mapa proporcionado por EmpresasDePeru.net

Fotografías de La Bodega del Monje BAR & GRILL

Listado de opiniones y evaluaciones

Opiniones de La Bodega del Monje BAR & GRILL en Barranco más recientes

Alan Avila
Alan Avila

Excelente lugar a para conocer Venir y tomar una cerveza con amigos familia. O comer un delicioso platillo Limpio fresco y excelente servicio.! Música en vivo y con buenas y adecuadas instalaciones 100% recomendado si te encuentras por peru de visita :) ??

Anais Jimenez
Anais Jimenez

Muy bueno

Joel Rondon
Joel Rondon

Te hacen esperar demasiado, el lugar no es muy acogedor ni bonito y el trato no es el mejor. La ubicación es buena, en el bulevar de barranco, pero tienen muchas cosas por mejorar. Hay mejores lugares alrededor en el mismo distrito de barranco

Scarlett Steel
Scarlett Steel

Excelente lugar para desestresarte!!!!

Henry Anthony Gamarra Jiménez
Henry Anthony Gamarra Jiménez

Dar shows de animación variada

Valoración media: 4 | Total de opiniones: 205

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Lunes 19:00-2:00
Martes 19:00-2:00
Miércoles 19:00-2:00
Jueves 19:00-2:00
Viernes 19:00-2:00
Sábado 19:00-2:00
Domingo 19:00-24:00
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Went on a Thursday night (think there was a holiday the next day), and it was crazy packed and fun. Beer and water were 10 soles each. So many people and so much dancing. Maybe because I can pass as Peruvian, so that is why I did not pay cover. Only complaint is that the DJ sometimes stopped the music a few times and would make some announcement.

Por Gaurav Dhiman

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Buenas baladas. Poco rock fuerte

Por Don Sata

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Céntrico, buena atención. Buena Infraestructura

Por Yesenia Tereza Otori Querevalu

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Estuvo muy bueno

Por Luis Marco Cornejo Galarza

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Cancha en buen estado

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Went on a Thursday night (think there was a holiday the next day), and it was crazy packed and fun. Beer and water were 10 soles each. So many people and so much dancing. Maybe because I can pass as Peruvian, so that is why I did not pay cover. Only complaint is that the DJ sometimes stopped the music a few times and would make some announcement.

Por Gaurav Dhiman

Bar Rock Beto

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Went on a Thursday night (think there was a holiday the next day), and it was crazy packed and fun. Beer and water were 10 soles each. So many people and so much dancing. Maybe because I can pass as Peruvian, so that is why I did not pay cover. Only complaint is that the DJ sometimes stopped the music a few times and would make some announcement.

Por Gaurav Dhiman

Mujaki Restobar Karaoke

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Buenas baladas. Poco rock fuerte

Por Don Sata

Lucky Seven Karaoke & Disco

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Céntrico, buena atención. Buena Infraestructura

Por Yesenia Tereza Otori Querevalu

Karaoke KaraLuna

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Estuvo muy bueno

Por Luis Marco Cornejo Galarza

Cancha De Futbol Cruce

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Cancha en buen estado

Por Jose Arias

La Peña del Carajo

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Went on a Thursday night (think there was a holiday the next day), and it was crazy packed and fun. Beer and water were 10 soles each. So many people and so much dancing. Maybe because I can pass as Peruvian, so that is why I did not pay cover. Only complaint is that the DJ sometimes stopped the music a few times and would make some announcement.

Por Gaurav Dhiman

Bar Rock Beto

Night club

Went on a Thursday night (think there was a holiday the next day), and it was crazy packed and fun. Beer and water were 10 soles each. So many people and so much dancing. Maybe because I can pass as Peruvian, so that is why I did not pay cover. Only complaint is that the DJ sometimes stopped the music a few times and would make some announcement.

Por Gaurav Dhiman

Mujaki Restobar Karaoke

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Buenas baladas. Poco rock fuerte

Por Don Sata