Opiniones Bechi Cakes (Panadería Pastelería)

5 Opiniones

Panaderías Pastelerías


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Todo lo que buscabas sobre Bechi Cakes que está en La Molina en el departamento de Perú llamado Lima.

Puedes estudiar las opiniones y consideraciones de 5 individuos que han usado sus productos y servicios.

La valoración de Bechi Cakes es de 5 sobre 5 basado en 5 reviews .

Te proponemos que antes de comprar sus productos y servicios, leas con detalle lo que han dicho clientes suyos sobre Bechi Cakes, para asegurarte de gastar el dinero adecuadamente.

Profesional inscrito en la categoría Panadería Pastelería.

¿Dónde está Bechi Cakes?

Calle Junin 112, La Molina 15024, Perú

El plus code de este negocio es: 57V5W3H2+7V

En el GPS puedes poner las coordenadas de este negocio, que son:

  • Latitud: -12.0718135

  • Longitud: -76.9478498

Opiniones y reviewss | Mapa proporcionado por EmpresasDePeru.net

Fotografías de Bechi Cakes

Listado de opiniones y evaluaciones

Opiniones de Bechi Cakes en La Molina más recientes

Leslie Mendez
Leslie Mendez


Carolina Bravo Rojas
Carolina Bravo Rojas

Los mejores postres

Marina Natteri
Marina Natteri


Vladimir Enrique Ledesma Panduro
Vladimir Enrique Ledesma Panduro

Johana Sara Tarrillo Diaz
Johana Sara Tarrillo Diaz

Valoración media: 5 | Total de opiniones: 5

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Domingo No disponible
Otros Panaderías Pastelerías en Lima

¿Quieres comparar?

Panderia Santa Rosa

Panadería Pastelería

Friendly staff and nice atmosphere. There are several tables inside to chill and enjoy peace of pastry that is fresh and delicious. They also have bathroom facilities and I was able to charge my phone (has electricity cords in the column). Spacious and variety of cakes available. They also sell groceries.

Por Liene Dziluma


Panadería Pastelería

Friendly staff and nice atmosphere. There are several tables inside to chill and enjoy peace of pastry that is fresh and delicious. They also have bathroom facilities and I was able to charge my phone (has electricity cords in the column). Spacious and variety of cakes available. They also sell groceries.

Por Liene Dziluma

Cake Boutique River

Panadería Pastelería

Es una pena la falta de dulzura de las dependientes. Tamaña tosquedad de Melsa y Mirsa darían más juego en una ferretería

Por Eva De Mingo

La Baguette Salaverry

Panadería Pastelería

A Cafe, Bakery and Dinner that stands the test and delivers on all the offerings, good quality and service. Cookies and the best "Cheese Grisinos" if you choose to buy them to entertain your appetite at home. The Lomo Saltado is recommended.

Por Alfredo Carrasco


Panadería Pastelería

Tiene bocaditos agradables

Por Expresalo Aquí

Santa Rosa Panificadora

Panadería Pastelería

Friendly staff and nice atmosphere. There are several tables inside to chill and enjoy peace of pastry that is fresh and delicious. They also have bathroom facilities and I was able to charge my phone (has electricity cords in the column). Spacious and variety of cakes available. They also sell groceries.

Por Liene Dziluma

Panderia Santa Rosa

Panadería Pastelería

Friendly staff and nice atmosphere. There are several tables inside to chill and enjoy peace of pastry that is fresh and delicious. They also have bathroom facilities and I was able to charge my phone (has electricity cords in the column). Spacious and variety of cakes available. They also sell groceries.

Por Liene Dziluma


Panadería Pastelería

Friendly staff and nice atmosphere. There are several tables inside to chill and enjoy peace of pastry that is fresh and delicious. They also have bathroom facilities and I was able to charge my phone (has electricity cords in the column). Spacious and variety of cakes available. They also sell groceries.

Por Liene Dziluma

Cake Boutique River

Panadería Pastelería

Es una pena la falta de dulzura de las dependientes. Tamaña tosquedad de Melsa y Mirsa darían más juego en una ferretería

Por Eva De Mingo

La Baguette Salaverry

Panadería Pastelería

A Cafe, Bakery and Dinner that stands the test and delivers on all the offerings, good quality and service. Cookies and the best "Cheese Grisinos" if you choose to buy them to entertain your appetite at home. The Lomo Saltado is recommended.

Por Alfredo Carrasco


Panadería Pastelería

Tiene bocaditos agradables

Por Expresalo Aquí

Santa Rosa Panificadora

Panadería Pastelería

Friendly staff and nice atmosphere. There are several tables inside to chill and enjoy peace of pastry that is fresh and delicious. They also have bathroom facilities and I was able to charge my phone (has electricity cords in the column). Spacious and variety of cakes available. They also sell groceries.

Por Liene Dziluma

Panderia Santa Rosa

Panadería Pastelería

Friendly staff and nice atmosphere. There are several tables inside to chill and enjoy peace of pastry that is fresh and delicious. They also have bathroom facilities and I was able to charge my phone (has electricity cords in the column). Spacious and variety of cakes available. They also sell groceries.

Por Liene Dziluma


Panadería Pastelería

Friendly staff and nice atmosphere. There are several tables inside to chill and enjoy peace of pastry that is fresh and delicious. They also have bathroom facilities and I was able to charge my phone (has electricity cords in the column). Spacious and variety of cakes available. They also sell groceries.

Por Liene Dziluma