Opiniones Art Gallery Studio (Pintor)

1 Opinión



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La valoración de Art Gallery Studio es de 5 sobre 5 basado en 1 opiniones totales.

Te sugerimos que antes de comprar sus productos y servicios, analices con detalle lo que han dicho otros usuarios sobre Art Gallery Studio, para no tener experiencias negativas con ellos.

Profesional inscrito bajo la categoría Pintor.

¿Dónde está Art Gallery Studio?

Córdoba del Tucumán 204, Cusco 08002, Perú

El plus code de este negocio es: 57RCF2MC+RX

En el GPS puedes poner las coordenadas de este negocio, que son:

  • Latitud: -13.5153954

  • Longitud: -71.9775745

Opiniones y reviewss | Mapa proporcionado por EmpresasDePeru.net

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Listado de opiniones y evaluaciones

Opiniones de Art Gallery Studio en Cusco más recientes

Aron Reyder
Aron Reyder

A must visit while in Cusco. This small art gallery is a one of a kind. The artist there are true artists, and really know how to paint. They will draw anything for you including any picture you send them. They price is always negotiable. It was really fun working with Jaime in creating a wonderful picture of my gf and I. Everyone should stop by and see what he has, and/or get a custom painting.

Valoración media: 5 | Total de opiniones: 1

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Lunes 9:00-17:00
Martes 9:00-17:00
Miércoles 9:00-17:00
Jueves 9:00-17:00
Viernes 9:00-17:00
Sábado 9:00-17:00
Domingo Cerrado
Otros Pintores en Cuzco

¿Quieres comparar?

Art Gallery Studio


A must visit while in Cusco. This small art gallery is a one of a kind. The artist there are true artists, and really know how to paint. They will draw anything for you including any picture you send them. They price is always negotiable. It was really fun working with Jaime in creating a wonderful picture of my gf and I. Everyone should stop by and see what he has, and/or get a custom painting.

Por Aron Reyder

Art Gallery Studio


A must visit while in Cusco. This small art gallery is a one of a kind. The artist there are true artists, and really know how to paint. They will draw anything for you including any picture you send them. They price is always negotiable. It was really fun working with Jaime in creating a wonderful picture of my gf and I. Everyone should stop by and see what he has, and/or get a custom painting.

Por Aron Reyder

Art Gallery Studio


A must visit while in Cusco. This small art gallery is a one of a kind. The artist there are true artists, and really know how to paint. They will draw anything for you including any picture you send them. They price is always negotiable. It was really fun working with Jaime in creating a wonderful picture of my gf and I. Everyone should stop by and see what he has, and/or get a custom painting.

Por Aron Reyder