Opiniones La Pascana, Sicuani (Restaurante)

11 Opiniones



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Esta es la ficha de La Pascana, Sicuani en Sicuani en Cuzco.

Puedes estudiar las opiniones y evaluaciones de 11 compradores que han usado sus productos y servicios.

La valoración de La Pascana, Sicuani es de 3 sobre 5 (basado en 11 evaluaciones ).

Te aconsejamos que antes de decidir comprar sus productos y servicios, revises bien lo que dicen sus clientes sobre La Pascana, Sicuani, para no tirar tu dinero.

Negocio dado de alta en la categoría Restaurantes.

¿Dónde está La Pascana, Sicuani?

Jr Panamericana, Sicuani 08254, Perú

El plus code de este negocio es: 57QCPQPC+56

En el GPS puedes poner las coordenadas de este negocio, que son:

  • Latitud: -14.2645445

  • Longitud: -71.229385

Opiniones y reviewss | Mapa proporcionado por EmpresasDePeru.net

Fotografías de La Pascana, Sicuani

Listado de opiniones y evaluaciones

Opiniones de La Pascana, Sicuani en Sicuani más recientes

Joseph Gustavo Palomino Seri
Joseph Gustavo Palomino Seri


Bill A. CH
Bill A. CH

un lugar belicismo y agradable.

johel albarracin
johel albarracin



Um bom restaurante no meio da rota Cusco/Puno. Buffet bem variado com sobremesas típicas. Bom atendimento e custo benefício.

Jaimito robert
Jaimito robert

Valoración media: 3 | Total de opiniones: 11

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Rawa is one of my favorite places in Urubamba! Celeste makes food with love and her kitchen is sparkling clean. The atmosphere is relaxed and comfortable. Kid-friendly and family-oriented. A wonderful place for breakfast, brunch, lunch, late lunch, early dinner, or a quick pastry or smoothie on-the-go. I recommend the lasagne (either kind: Neopolitan or pesto), the falafel sandwich, the burger, and any of the fresh juices and smoothies! Delicious! ps - they have functional WiFi and clean restrooms :-)

Por KC

restauran chelita


Rawa is one of my favorite places in Urubamba! Celeste makes food with love and her kitchen is sparkling clean. The atmosphere is relaxed and comfortable. Kid-friendly and family-oriented. A wonderful place for breakfast, brunch, lunch, late lunch, early dinner, or a quick pastry or smoothie on-the-go. I recommend the lasagne (either kind: Neopolitan or pesto), the falafel sandwich, the burger, and any of the fresh juices and smoothies! Delicious! ps - they have functional WiFi and clean restrooms :-)

Por KC



Excelente comida,!

Por Alvaro Del Aguila

Pizzeria PizzaCar


Excelente atención y servicio, lugar cómodo y agradable

Por Leslye yumen Salazar Jacha

polleria EL FOGON


Un lugar muy bonito con buena atencion

Por Edwin Higuera Ttupa

Restaurant "Flor De Canela"


Un lugar muy bonito con buena atencion

Por Edwin Higuera Ttupa



Rawa is one of my favorite places in Urubamba! Celeste makes food with love and her kitchen is sparkling clean. The atmosphere is relaxed and comfortable. Kid-friendly and family-oriented. A wonderful place for breakfast, brunch, lunch, late lunch, early dinner, or a quick pastry or smoothie on-the-go. I recommend the lasagne (either kind: Neopolitan or pesto), the falafel sandwich, the burger, and any of the fresh juices and smoothies! Delicious! ps - they have functional WiFi and clean restrooms :-)

Por KC

restauran chelita


Rawa is one of my favorite places in Urubamba! Celeste makes food with love and her kitchen is sparkling clean. The atmosphere is relaxed and comfortable. Kid-friendly and family-oriented. A wonderful place for breakfast, brunch, lunch, late lunch, early dinner, or a quick pastry or smoothie on-the-go. I recommend the lasagne (either kind: Neopolitan or pesto), the falafel sandwich, the burger, and any of the fresh juices and smoothies! Delicious! ps - they have functional WiFi and clean restrooms :-)

Por KC



Excelente comida,!

Por Alvaro Del Aguila

Pizzeria PizzaCar


Excelente atención y servicio, lugar cómodo y agradable

Por Leslye yumen Salazar Jacha

polleria EL FOGON


Un lugar muy bonito con buena atencion

Por Edwin Higuera Ttupa

Restaurant "Flor De Canela"


Un lugar muy bonito con buena atencion

Por Edwin Higuera Ttupa



Rawa is one of my favorite places in Urubamba! Celeste makes food with love and her kitchen is sparkling clean. The atmosphere is relaxed and comfortable. Kid-friendly and family-oriented. A wonderful place for breakfast, brunch, lunch, late lunch, early dinner, or a quick pastry or smoothie on-the-go. I recommend the lasagne (either kind: Neopolitan or pesto), the falafel sandwich, the burger, and any of the fresh juices and smoothies! Delicious! ps - they have functional WiFi and clean restrooms :-)

Por KC

restauran chelita


Rawa is one of my favorite places in Urubamba! Celeste makes food with love and her kitchen is sparkling clean. The atmosphere is relaxed and comfortable. Kid-friendly and family-oriented. A wonderful place for breakfast, brunch, lunch, late lunch, early dinner, or a quick pastry or smoothie on-the-go. I recommend the lasagne (either kind: Neopolitan or pesto), the falafel sandwich, the burger, and any of the fresh juices and smoothies! Delicious! ps - they have functional WiFi and clean restrooms :-)

Por KC