Opiniones Chicharroneria "FABY" (Restaurante)

156 Opiniones



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Todo lo que buscabas sobre Chicharroneria "FABY" que está en Lima en Lima (Perú).

Puedes mirar detenidamente las opiniones y reviews de 156 personas que han experimentado su atención.

La valoración de Chicharroneria "FABY" es de 4 sobre 5 basado en 156 reviews totales.

Te proponemos que antes de comprar lo que ofrece, revises a fondo lo que opinan otras personas sobre Chicharroneria "FABY", para no tirar tu dinero.

Profesional listado en la categoría Restaurante.

¿Dónde está Chicharroneria "FABY"?

Antropólogos 124, Lima 15438, Perú

El plus code de este negocio es: 57W522M5+42

En el GPS puedes poner las coordenadas de este negocio, que son:

  • Latitud: -11.9671562

  • Longitud: -76.9924837

Opiniones y reviewss | Mapa proporcionado por EmpresasDePeru.net

Fotografías de Chicharroneria "FABY"

Listado de opiniones y evaluaciones

Opiniones de Chicharroneria "FABY" en Lima más recientes

Ruben Carhuayal
Ruben Carhuayal

Un buen lugar para comer chicharrón. Lugar agradable, limpio, buena atención y bien servido. Recomendable

Kevin Suare
Kevin Suare

Buena atención y buen sabor. Recomendado

Daniel Miranda
Daniel Miranda

En mi opinión, el mejor chicharrón que he comido en Lima además de una muy buena atención. Totalmente recomendable.

Víctor Jaime Escobar
Víctor Jaime Escobar

Local pequeño no cuenta con buenos asientos, falta de empatia con el cliente

Damari Diaz Lopez
Damari Diaz Lopez

Me encantó divino sus platos

Valoración media: 4 | Total de opiniones: 156

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Lunes 6:00-14:00
Martes 6:00-14:00
Miércoles 6:00-14:00
Jueves 6:00-14:00
Viernes 6:00-14:00
Sábado 6:00-14:00
Domingo 6:00-14:00
Otros Restaurantes en Lima

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Buena comida o eso recuerdo xdd

Por Abel Huayta Cerna

Chifa Chun Yion Union


This chifa is recommended by locals in Barranco, it?s a traditional one in the neighborhood. The food is average but it was full with locals, including a birthday party which stopped the whole restaurant for singing while the song played on the audio phones. It was a fun experience. Portions are huge! Go for the most little ones and it?s still good to share and leftovers! Prices vary depending on the dish - PEN15 to PEN45 more or less but are affordable. For 3 people we payed PEOPLE we payed PEN120 (1 portion of chaufa, tallarin, dumplings and duck ?) and had food left for another meal.

Por P4K to



Excelente pollo a la plancha, muy buena atención, ambiente acogedor.

Por Ana Gabriela Gallo Lopez

Jack Johns


Recomendado otro formato

Por Mónica Beatríz De La Hoz Corzo

Restaurant Cornejo


Solo buena comida fresca, local s/comentarios

Por Julio Rios

La Latteria


This place is amazing! The ice cream is killer, the coffee tip notch! And amazing beer! Gelato is fantastic, at great prices!

Por Josh Leard



Buena comida o eso recuerdo xdd

Por Abel Huayta Cerna

Chifa Chun Yion Union


This chifa is recommended by locals in Barranco, it?s a traditional one in the neighborhood. The food is average but it was full with locals, including a birthday party which stopped the whole restaurant for singing while the song played on the audio phones. It was a fun experience. Portions are huge! Go for the most little ones and it?s still good to share and leftovers! Prices vary depending on the dish - PEN15 to PEN45 more or less but are affordable. For 3 people we payed PEOPLE we payed PEN120 (1 portion of chaufa, tallarin, dumplings and duck ?) and had food left for another meal.

Por P4K to



Excelente pollo a la plancha, muy buena atención, ambiente acogedor.

Por Ana Gabriela Gallo Lopez

Jack Johns


Recomendado otro formato

Por Mónica Beatríz De La Hoz Corzo

Restaurant Cornejo


Solo buena comida fresca, local s/comentarios

Por Julio Rios

La Latteria


This place is amazing! The ice cream is killer, the coffee tip notch! And amazing beer! Gelato is fantastic, at great prices!

Por Josh Leard



Buena comida o eso recuerdo xdd

Por Abel Huayta Cerna

Chifa Chun Yion Union


This chifa is recommended by locals in Barranco, it?s a traditional one in the neighborhood. The food is average but it was full with locals, including a birthday party which stopped the whole restaurant for singing while the song played on the audio phones. It was a fun experience. Portions are huge! Go for the most little ones and it?s still good to share and leftovers! Prices vary depending on the dish - PEN15 to PEN45 more or less but are affordable. For 3 people we payed PEOPLE we payed PEN120 (1 portion of chaufa, tallarin, dumplings and duck ?) and had food left for another meal.

Por P4K to