Opiniones Restaurante La Esquina Del Gordito (Restaurante)

8 Opiniones



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Esta es la ficha de Restaurante La Esquina Del Gordito que está en Hualmay en el departamento de Perú llamado Lima.

Puedes mirar detenidamente las opiniones y apreciaciones de 8 individuos que han experimentado su atención.

La valoración de Restaurante La Esquina Del Gordito es de 4 sobre 5 basado en 8 opiniones .

Te aconsejamos que antes de comprar sus productos, revises lo que nos han dicho sus clientes sobre Restaurante La Esquina Del Gordito, para asegurarte de que tu dinero está bien invertido.

Profesional dado de alta en la categoría Restaurantes.

¿Dónde está Restaurante La Esquina Del Gordito?

106,, Av. Cincuentenario, Hualmay 15138, Perú

El plus code de este negocio es: 57W4V9XP+3C

En el GPS puedes poner las coordenadas de este negocio, que son:

  • Latitud: -11.1023191

  • Longitud: -77.6138773

Opiniones y reviewss | Mapa proporcionado por EmpresasDePeru.net

Fotografías de Restaurante La Esquina Del Gordito

Listado de opiniones y evaluaciones

Opiniones de Restaurante La Esquina Del Gordito en Hualmay más recientes


Muy bueno su ceviche espectacular

Walther Miguel Nicho Quispe
Walther Miguel Nicho Quispe

Buen ambiente fresco y muy buen la comida y la atencion

Rubén Cavero
Rubén Cavero


Viviana Sarrin Garcia
Viviana Sarrin Garcia

luis apaza anaya
luis apaza anaya

Valoración media: 4 | Total de opiniones: 8

Añade tu opinión para ayudar a otras personas


Lunes 10:00-21:00
Martes 10:00-21:00
Miércoles 10:00-21:00
Jueves 10:00-21:00
Viernes 10:00-21:00
Sábado 10:00-21:00
Domingo 10:00-21:00
Otros Restaurantes en Lima

¿Quieres comparar?

MASSALA - Restaurante Indio


Worst service. There was only 12 people in the restaurant when I entered and even after waiting for 45min the did not serve me the food and worst part is they are not even apologetic about the delay. They where happy to see that I have left Pathetic attitude.

Por Guru Chandar

killary gril


Worst service. There was only 12 people in the restaurant when I entered and even after waiting for 45min the did not serve me the food and worst part is they are not even apologetic about the delay. They where happy to see that I have left Pathetic attitude.

Por Guru Chandar

D` Roxxia Fuxion


Worst service. There was only 12 people in the restaurant when I entered and even after waiting for 45min the did not serve me the food and worst part is they are not even apologetic about the delay. They where happy to see that I have left Pathetic attitude.

Por Guru Chandar

Restaurant Y Hospedaje «VIRGEN DE LAS MERCEDES»


No recomendable

Por Daniel Contreras

Rest. El Tío Charly



Por Jorge Romero Chavez

Trabajo Club Regatas


Excelente lugar!¡

Por Hanny Castillo

MASSALA - Restaurante Indio


Worst service. There was only 12 people in the restaurant when I entered and even after waiting for 45min the did not serve me the food and worst part is they are not even apologetic about the delay. They where happy to see that I have left Pathetic attitude.

Por Guru Chandar

killary gril


Worst service. There was only 12 people in the restaurant when I entered and even after waiting for 45min the did not serve me the food and worst part is they are not even apologetic about the delay. They where happy to see that I have left Pathetic attitude.

Por Guru Chandar

D` Roxxia Fuxion


Worst service. There was only 12 people in the restaurant when I entered and even after waiting for 45min the did not serve me the food and worst part is they are not even apologetic about the delay. They where happy to see that I have left Pathetic attitude.

Por Guru Chandar

Restaurant Y Hospedaje «VIRGEN DE LAS MERCEDES»


No recomendable

Por Daniel Contreras

Rest. El Tío Charly



Por Jorge Romero Chavez

Trabajo Club Regatas


Excelente lugar!¡

Por Hanny Castillo

MASSALA - Restaurante Indio


Worst service. There was only 12 people in the restaurant when I entered and even after waiting for 45min the did not serve me the food and worst part is they are not even apologetic about the delay. They where happy to see that I have left Pathetic attitude.

Por Guru Chandar

killary gril


Worst service. There was only 12 people in the restaurant when I entered and even after waiting for 45min the did not serve me the food and worst part is they are not even apologetic about the delay. They where happy to see that I have left Pathetic attitude.

Por Guru Chandar