Opiniones Restaurante SANJI (Restaurante)

1 Opinión



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Puedes estudiar las opiniones y reviews de 1 compradores que han experimentado su atención.

La valoración de Restaurante SANJI es de 5 sobre 5 (basado en 1 evaluaciones totales).

Te sugerimos que antes de comprar sus productos y servicios, leas bien lo que nos han dicho clientes suyos sobre Restaurante SANJI, para asegurarte de hacer una buena compra.

Profesional inscrito en la categoría Restaurante.

¿Dónde está Restaurante SANJI?

Av. San Martin 218, Huacho 15137, Perú

El plus code de este negocio es: 57W4V9VQ+P2

En el GPS puedes poner las coordenadas de este negocio, que son:

  • Latitud: -11.1056939

  • Longitud: -77.6124956

Opiniones y reviewss | Mapa proporcionado por EmpresasDePeru.net

Fotografías de Restaurante SANJI

Listado de opiniones y evaluaciones

Opiniones de Restaurante SANJI en Huacho más recientes

Kid junior Carbajal morales
Kid junior Carbajal morales

Delicioso y super economico

Valoración media: 5 | Total de opiniones: 1

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Pardos Chicken


Great food, however we went late night so the quality of service was not quite up to par. I gave 4 stars because pardos as a company has great food however the time we went the menu was very limited. Make sure to go at a reasonable time or your menu choices will be limited.

Por Andre Cook

El Secreto de la Casa


Buen servicio

Por David Mendoza

Anticucheria El Tio Mario


We had the anticuchos and chicken gizzzards, both were good and the portions where huge.

Por Robert Giroux

Tradicion Norteña


Buen Menú Marino

Por Oscar Diaz

Bar Restaurant Cordano


Ask for the butifarra sanguche. Top. Old school vibes. Despite tourists.

Por santiago castaño

Chicharronería MaraSuncion


Super deli!!!

Por Ana Cordova Linares

Pardos Chicken


Great food, however we went late night so the quality of service was not quite up to par. I gave 4 stars because pardos as a company has great food however the time we went the menu was very limited. Make sure to go at a reasonable time or your menu choices will be limited.

Por Andre Cook

El Secreto de la Casa


Buen servicio

Por David Mendoza

Anticucheria El Tio Mario


We had the anticuchos and chicken gizzzards, both were good and the portions where huge.

Por Robert Giroux

Tradicion Norteña


Buen Menú Marino

Por Oscar Diaz

Bar Restaurant Cordano


Ask for the butifarra sanguche. Top. Old school vibes. Despite tourists.

Por santiago castaño

Chicharronería MaraSuncion


Super deli!!!

Por Ana Cordova Linares

Pardos Chicken


Great food, however we went late night so the quality of service was not quite up to par. I gave 4 stars because pardos as a company has great food however the time we went the menu was very limited. Make sure to go at a reasonable time or your menu choices will be limited.

Por Andre Cook

El Secreto de la Casa


Buen servicio

Por David Mendoza